On 22/02, you made everything alright again. That long long msn convo, I can still remember every word to it. And seriously, you've just gotten sweeter, haha. (x I feel like copying our entire convo onto this thing too haha. Yay, me loves you ttm. (:
Thanks for still believing in me, trusting me, making fun of me, making me laugh, creating more and more memories,
Like what you've used to do. (:
Promise me, no more disagreements alright. I promise I'll compromise more and stop being such a bitch. At times.
Friends forever, alright? (:
On 25/02, I realised that once you've truly fallen in love, any words along the lines of I've forgotten him, I've forgotten how it felt like to love him, are nothing but self deception.
So I've decided to stop deceiving myself. I love you and there's nothing to hide. I have loved you and I'll continue to love you.
There's nothing to be ashamed of.
So promise me, nothing will come between us, alright? No stars, no love stories; just a simple friendship, like a sailboat in a tiny stream.
That's enough for me, really.
WORK TIME! And it's like 5:00pm. :D
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